Double Eyelid | LAPRIN CLINIC

Facial Contouring - Eye Surgery Double Eyelid

Natural Adhesive inducing buried suture technique &
invisible scar incision technique

Natural Adhesive Technique . Incision Technique
Beautiful and natural result!

LaPrin’s burying technique eliminate disadvantages of the existing method, and further improved its advantages.
Crease is extremely unlikely to unravel due to firm knot fixation,
and fine pinholes are made during the surgery to ensure minimal scarring and to give natural look.
ScarZero incision surgery is the latest double eyelid surgical procedure that cuts the excessive fat
and muscles from the upper eyelid and tie the scapula
and the dermis of the skin at points before suturing to secure its position.

Skillful - Trustworthy - Reliable
Devoted team of ophthalmologists

  • Easy Methods
  • Fast Recovery
  • Best Results

Natural looking crease even when you close your eyes

Burying technique

  • Duration

    within 30 min

  • Anesthesia

    local, general anesthesia

  • Hospitalization


  • Clinic visit

    return to daily activities
    after 3~4days

In the conventional double eyelid surgery, lines were created through
the force of the thread that tied the under eye tissues - giving it artificial look.
However, LaPrin uses the principle of adhesion and stage gradual natural adhesion between skin
and muscle to give you a beautiful double eyeline quickly and easily.
Due to fine pinholes and no forcible fixation, there is very little chance of scarring or unravelling of the crease in the eyelid.


  • 1


    Select best fit surgery
    method after counseling

  • 2


    Design the most ideal eyeline
    with experienced specialist

  • 3

    Fine pinholes

    Create fine pinholes at
    appropriate height

  • 4

    Natural Adhesion

    After the natural adhesion induction,
    the thread is firmly knotted and fixed

  • 5


    Creation of natural and
    beautiful double eyelid

The latest incision method that does not leave scars

Incision double eyelid

  • Duration

    within 40 min

  • Anesthesia

    local, general anesthesia

  • Hospitalization


  • Clinic visit

    return to daily activities
    after 5~7days

ScarZero incision method is the latest surgical method that removes the excessive fat and muscles in the eyelid and then connect the levator muscle to the dermis of the skin. Conventional methods may leave scars, but ScarZero does not leave any scars after surgery. ScarZero technique is performed after determining the ideal height and shape of the double eyelid line that best fit the overall frame and thickness of the eyelid, making it possible to create the double lid eyeline that looks best for you.


  • 1


    Select best fit surgery
    method after counseling

  • 2


    Make the incision along
    the design line

  • 3


    Remove excessive fat
    and muscle.

  • 4


    Connect the eyelid
    and the levator muscle

  • 5


    Creation of clear
    and vivid eyeline

Key Point

Personalized eye shaping
LaPrin’s double eyelid surgery

LaPrin’s double eyelid surgery compensates
for the flaws of conventional surgery, making it possible to
operate on only one side depending to the need
of the individual, to adjust the eyeline post-operative,
or to return to the preoperative state.

It's natural and beautiful –
Quick and easy
create beautiful double eyelids

Compared to conventional incision method,
our latest burial technique and
ScarZero incision technique induces natural adhesion
of levator muscle and attach it firmly using knots
of the thread with no scars left behind.

Personalization from
dedicated team of

The surgery is done by highly qualified medical staffs,
with many years of experience in ophthalmoplasty to
provide you with safe and accurate operation.
The surgery is customized to each patient to
guarantee complete and satisfactory result.

Minimize pain, swelling,
and bruising!
One week, shorter recovery period

By using the cutting-edge Vesalius surgical equipment,
which can make the incision with almost no bleeding,
swelling will disappear in one week and
the natural looking eyes will be formed.

LaPrin safety system

  • 1 Aseptic air shower system &
    Aseptic operating room

    We own aseptic air shower system,
    which is only available in large hospitals and
    specialized research facilities, to prevent the inflow of germs.
    In addition, Laprin's aseptic practices in the operating room
    completely blocks the entry of fine dust and germs into the air
    and automatic control system maintains the optimal temperature
    and humidity in the operating room.

  • 2 Real-time Monitoring &
    Emergency System

    For safety, patient’s heart rate, breathing, blood pressure,
    body temperature, and other vital signs are
    monitored in real time throughout the surgery.
    State-of-the-art monitoring equipments are available in
    all the operating rooms.
    We are equipped with rescue equipments to
    respond quickly and accurately to any emergencies
    that may occur despite the thorough preoperative screening.

  • 3 Clear-air system

    We own an air purification system to prevent infection
    through germs in the air and to maintain
    a pleasant operating environment.
    We take care to prevent any types of microbial contamination.
    Patient has given consent to post the image below.
    Attentive care is required as surgery can cause side effects
    such as bleeding, inflammation and infection depending
    on the individual.